Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the point

to this picture on my blog is that, I can't for the life of it remember why I composed it with her head cut out. I think, it has to do with posting it on flickr and the privacy factor and all. But, the very first picture with unrestricted viewing that I put of my six year old daughter this year, had her in full, smiling coyly from the branches of a frangipani tree.

the holiday stories

I find myself doing things I had not planned for or thought of. Though some of the things like taking morning walks and carrying a camera to shoot outside the house top the 'feel-good' list for now. They also double up as stretching myself, getting out of my confort zone, so to say. They are adding to my personality.

But, I do wonder if I am throwing caution to the winds, caught up as I am in the excitement of outdoor shots in my photostream and the happiness of checking things in my list of resolutions. I want to tread lightly, and slowly, but the momentum of this high seeks me everyday.

Channelling the burst of energy to tasks (and chores) screaming for attention, seems boring, but is the perfect antidote for this 'head over heels' feeling at the start of another year.


Shalini said...

I love the picture as it is. Thanks to the privacy issue, I too have been taking many pics like these of E, and some of them come out really nice and frame-worthy in an arty sense.

The new year and your morning walks have made you think a very brave line.

Shilpa said...

lol. but, gor a moment there, I was a bit worried about the way I was heading :)